Family History

Click Here for Family-History-Updated- May 2020

The information within these pages are recorded for the purpose of providing a direct link between the families of the VAN BLARICOM and the JASMIN family line which begins in America in 1634 in the New York/New Jersey area and who traveled across the United States and settled in the Nehalem Valley, in and around Vernonia, Oregon in 1873-74.

Information for this text was compiled from the following sources:

1. History of the Van Blaricom family of New Jersey, by George Olin Zabriskie
2. Mrs Myrtle (Van Blaricom) Coleman, daughter of Hiram and Ida May (Vaughn) VanBlaricom
3. Mrs Lesta (Weed) Garner, daughter of Judson and Emeline (VanBlaricom) Weed
4. Mrs Betty Burgess, Great Grand daughter of Sarah (VanBlaricom Pownall)
5. Columbia Historical Society, and book/volume 20/1981
6. Special supplement to the Vernonia, Oregon Eagle Newspaper, dated 28 July 1966
7. Mrs Olive Ann (Winder), (Jasmin), Cross, daughter of Leona (VanBlaricom) Winder
8. The Genealogical Library of the Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
9. Mrs Cathryn (VanBlaricom), Johnson, daughter of John and Olive (Hutchison) VanBlaricom
10. Phillip L VanBlaricom, of Iowa
11. Information derived from research by Roger D Hunt: Author of “The History of the VanBlaricom Family.( Contact 9999 S.E. Shady Lane Gresham, OR 97080. Contact phone, (503) 663-7964)

In researching our Van Blaricom name, several different spellings have been found related to the same family group: Blerkum; Blaricun, Blarcum, Blarcom, Blercum, Blarigan, Blaralam.
The earliest known Church record  that could be located of the surname use of Van Blaricom was the marriage record of Jan Lubbertson;s son, Johannes Janse in 1693. It was apparently not used again as a surname until 1706, at which time, it rapidly became the surname of all family members. Bergen NJ Church records show Johannes married Metje Jans, 6 November 1693.     

Melvin Jasmin’s particular generation line, for Van Blaricom, is as follows, starting with 1st Generation thru the 11th; (within the United States of America)


 1st   Lubbert Gijisbertsz, (Wife, Divertje  Cornelis )                                                                                        

2nd  Jan Lubbertsen, (Wife, Magdaleentje Theunis Van Voors Thuysen)

3rd   Peter Janse Van Blaricom, (Wife, Elizabeth Symons Van Uythse)

4th   Gerrit Van Blaricom, (Wife, Hillegond Ackerman)

5th   David A Van Blaricom, (Wife, Elizabeth Gerritie Mabie

6th   Samuel S Van Blaricom, (Wife, Margaret, Mary, Ann Strauuser)

7th   John Van Blaricom Sr., (Wife, Nancy McNamer).  Note: This John is  leader of family group that moved westward and settled in the Nehalem Valley, in and around Vernonia, Oregon in 1873-1875.

8th   Henry D Van Blaricom, (Wife, Cathryn

9th   John Seymour Van Blaricom, (Wife, Olive Rosalia Hutchison)

10th Leona Van Blaricom, (Husband, Frank Winder)

11th Olive Ann Winder, (Husband, Virgil McComas; Erwin C Jasmin; Homer C Relaford and Raymond Cross)

12th  Melvin H Jasmin…………….

On the cover of this narrative you see the Coat of Arms of the Blaricum Family, who live in and around Blaricum, Netherlands, Holland and the Jasmin family in the USA. It is quite apparent we cannot claim the Coat of Arms of Blaricum as our own because we actually originated from Lubbert Gysbertsen of Blaricum. But it does depict the place we began our genealogy search and is part of our lives forever and we can, at least, borrow its’ tradition and display its’ meaning and hopefully, follow its’ Motto, “Stick to the Truth”. With regards to the description of the family coat of arms of the Blaricum family, in a publication by FJH Banning Genealogie Van het geslacht Van Blarcum, it is described as “blue with three silver balls and a helmet symbol and a six pointed star, on top of which is one silver ball”. The description of the flag of Blaricum is a little more clear. The City coat of arms is, “in silver, a pulled out cornflower plant with three flowers of lazur, (or violet-blue), the stem and a root of sinopel.”, as shown here; Remember that the area where the Town of Blaricum is located was all farming and cattle and, for the most part, is today. The coat of arms for surrounding towns in the area are a reminder of it’s Agrarian past.  

The Heraldic Arms of the House of Jasmin originated in the year, 1953  in Multnomah County, State of Oregon, United States of America. As I am a
citizen of the U.S.A. and not subject to Armorial rules from other Countries I am breaking no laws or traditions by making my own personal Family Coat of Arms. My arms are derived from symbols that incorporate Religion, Esteem and Country. The ornamental plant of the Olive family, with its fragrant white or yellow flowers, known as the Jasmine, is the flower used to depict the Jasmin family on it’s black shield. Top of the Shield is a side view of a helmet in yellow or gold depicting no title but, esquire.  (All symbols are in yellow or gold) The Cross depicts the family’s  belief in God and the Sword depicts Honor in the family and the Eagle depicts the Birth place of the Jasmin group of these arms, America.  The Supporters at either side of the shield are winged gargoyles carried over from medieval Europe. The scroll at the bottom of the arms is the Motto: “God, Honor & Country”, in English language.  By following general tradition, the arms can and will be handed down to those in the Jasmin family, (and/or connected to), who wish to carry it on, by adding some symbol or mark to the original Arms, which then modifies the arms to their own personal family “Coat-of-Arms”, and still within the Jasmin line.

Note:  As this Genealogy line is an on-going progress, observe the front cover of the booklet for latest update.


Father and mother of our 1st Generation was Gysbert Jansen Lubbertsen born near Blaricum, Netherlands/Holland ,1558. (Died 1607) ….Anne Jacobse Enchunje born in North Holland District, Gooiland, near Blaricum in 1573. (Died 30 August 1605 at Huisinge Groningen, Netherlands)…The couple married in 1600. Parents were  Jacob Jansen Lubbertsen and Anne Jacobse 

*First Generation, in America: Lubbert Gijisbertsz, (Gysbertzsen), (Gijsbertsen), was born in 1601 near Blaricum, a Town located twelve miles South East of Amsterdam, in the District called, Gooiland. Lubbert married Divertje Cornelis in Blaricum, 1623 in Debeemster Noord Holland, Netherlands. Divertje was born in 1603. Her Father was Pieter Cornelius born 1580 in Breille, Amsterdam, North Holland Netherlands. Her Mother was Divertje who was born in 1584 in Breille. Records indicate Lubbert died in late October 1655, during Indian raids at Bergen Neck, New Jersey, at the age of 55 years.   Divertje died 11 December 1681 in New Amersterdam, New York                                            

Lubbert was 33 years old when in Amsterdam, on 15 April 1634 he signed a contract with the “Patroon of Rensselaerwyck in New Netherland”, (located on both banks of the Hudson river near Fort Orange – now Albany New York), “to betake himself with his wife and family, (three children), at his own expense”, the Patroon to pay expenses to the West Indian Company for passage on the ship, de Eendracht, (The Unity), being made ready to sail to New Netherland. 

Lubbert’s contract provided for reimbursement of these expenses over a three ye\\rs period working at his trade as a “rademaecker”, (a wheelwright and wagon maker), which was to begin upon his arrival in America. Thus, in July of 1634, Lubbert, his wife, Divertje Cornelis, Dierber, their eldest son, Gysbert, (who was 10 years old), Thys, ( who was 6 years old), and Jan, (who was 1 and a half years old), came to America to start a new life.

Lubbert stayed working at Rensselaelaerwyck ten years beyond his original 3 year contract. He and his family lived on a farm at Bethleham, just South of Albany, NY on the West side of the Hudson River. Records show on 5 December 1654, he was given a Dutch patent for fifty morgens, (100 acres), of land on Bergen Neck, below Cavin Point – now in Green Ville area, South of Jersey City, N.J..

In October 1655, during a three day period of Indian attacks, Lubbert was killed, along with at least fifty other people. More than a hundred – mostly women and children – were captured. Later, at great expense, about seventy of these people were ransomed. Also during these raids on New Amsterdam, and also in the Dutch bouweries and plantations across the Hudson River, 12-15 thousand schepels of grain were burned, 500-600 head of cattle were either killed or made off with and more than 200 persons, besides those killed or captured, lost all their possessions. It is noted, the Indians attacked the region at the same time the Dutch soldiers were away on the Delaware fighting the Swedes!

Records  show Lubbert’s widow, Divertje married Jan Arentszen Van derbilt, in May 1658. Jan was born 1627 in Bilt, Utrecht, The Netherlands.  Jan and Divertje lived on Long Island at or near Midwout, (Flatbush), sometime prior to December 1681. Jan died February 1705 at Bergen, New Jersey.  Divertje died  11 December 1680 in Flatbush, New Amsterdam. They had one child. Jacob Janse Vanderbilt unknown date of birth or deceased. Information indicates  Jacob married Mary Vandervliet and they had five children.

Lubbert and Divertje have seven children record

Gysbert Lubbertsen, born about 1624-25 in “Uijt de Beemster in Noordt Holland. ( Married Elizabeth Thomas, 24 February 1655 at New Amsterdam, NY

1.Thys Lubbertsen, born about 1628 in “de Rijp in Noordt Holland.  Thys married Tryntje Jans Van Wooglum, October 10, 1655 in New Amsterdam, New York . She was the daughter of Jan Pietersen Van Wooglum.  Thys died 1730 at or near Bergen New Jersey.

2.Jan Lubbertsen born 1632 in Edam, Beemstr area in Noordt Holland.

3.Johannes Lubbert

4.Eybetje Lubberts, born 1635 in Fort Orange, (Albany), New York. She died 24 August 1663 in New Jersey. (Married to Jan Cornelis Buijs in 1651 at Long Island, N.Y ). Note: Jan was born, 1629 at Brielle, Holland

5,Tryntje Lubberts, born 1637 at Fort Orange, (Albany). Died 1663

6.Gerrit Lubbertsen, born 1641 at Fort Orange, (Albany).     

7. Hans Lubbertsen, born 1641 at Fort Orange, (Albany) N.Y.                                  

*Second Generation; Jan Lubbertsen, (also known as Johannes Lubberts), born in  1632 at Edam, a seaport town on the Ijsselmeer, about 12 miles North of Amsterdam.  Jan, who came to America at one and a half years.   Married Magdaleentje Theunis Van Voorsthuysen on 7 June 1659 in the New Amsterdam Church. Magdaleentje was born in Huisen, a seaport town near Blaricum in Gooiland, Noordt Holland in 1636. She is known to have sailed from the Netherlands on 12 February 1659 in the ship “de Trouw”, (The Faith), and was listed in the record as Magdalentje Teunis from Voorhuysen. She died 4 September 1711 at Bergen. Jan died in 1734 in N.J.

Jan received a Dutch patent granting him 25 morgens of land on Bergens Neck in 1654. On 14 April 1657, Jan was granted small “Burger” rights in New Amsterdam. Sometime in 1659 Jan sold his Bergen Neck land and obtained land near the Village of Bergen. In 1693 Jan gained the title of Captain. Perhaps it was because he was one of six Commissioners appointed to fortify Bergen Village, by building four block houses – one at each entrance to the village.

The English took control of the New Netherland area for the first time in 1664. On 12 May 1668, Jan was given English confirmatory land patents by Governor Carteret. He had lots 4 and 5 in the town of Bergen, (a plot of 16 1/2 acres on the West side of present Westside avenue, not far South of Stuyvesant avenue and South West of Bergen Square in Jersey City). He also had 9 1/2 acre woodlot between Bergen avenue and Westside avenue, a little south of Communipaw avenue. He also had outlying lands of 25 acres in present Union Ciyt, and a plot of unknown acreage on the Hackinsack River area, not far from where the river enters into Newark Bay.

Jan and Magdaleentje have eleven children recorded: (all recorded at the Church of Bergen):

1.Marritje Jan, bap 29 December 1660. (Records show she died in infancy)
Marritje Jans, bap 30 December 1661-D1724 (Married to Hendrick Hoppe 14 March1679 in Bergen NJ
2.Pieter Janse, bap 6 May 1665.  (Died 31 March 1749).  (Married, (1) Jacomyntje Cornelis,  (born 1669 in  Harlem, NY, died 1717). (2) Elisabeth Symons 22 Jan 1685 at Bergen NJ and (3) Antie Meyers 14 November 1719 at Hackensack, NJ
3.Johannes Janse, bap 3 November 1667 (Married Tijannetje Lent/Lanker ?)
4.Divertje ans, bap 12 January 1670
5.Cathlyntje Jans, bap 2 June 1672
6.Cathlyntje Jans, bap 10 October 1675
7.Lubbert Jans, bap 12 March 1677
8.Wilem Janse, bap 7 April 1679
9.Gysbert Janse, bap 21 May 1682
10.Hester Jans bop. 31 May 1685

*Third Generation: Pieter Janse Van Blarcom, was born at Bergen Neck, New Jersey and baptized at New York. Pieter lived near Wyckoff but he resided within the jurisdiction of the Hackensack Reformed Church and his Estate was administered in Essex County. These facts point to a home in the area of the present Hawthorne, south of Wyckoff. John VanBlarom Jr., the eldest son, was appointed administrator of Pieter’s Estate 31 March 1749. Pieter first married to Elizabeth Symons “Van Uythse “, 22 June 1685 at Bergen. His wife apparently came from the same area in the Netherlands as Pieter’s Mother, according to family record. Pieter and Elizabeth have one child recorded:

1.Annatje Pieter, bap 10 April 1687 Pieter married second to Jacomyntje Cornelis, daughter of 2.Cornelis Mattyssen, (Niels Mattson, Van Stockholm), andBarentje Dircks “Van Meddel”, of which the date of the marriage is unknown.

Pieter and Jacomyntje have twelve children recorded, (most all born in and around Hackensack):

4.Rachel VanBlaricum born 1690  married to Abram VanSeyl in June of 1715
7.Johannes, bap 25 December 1698 at Berg (John)
8.Marytje, bap 29 September 1700  married to David Demarest in 1720.
9.Cornelis, bap 8 February 1703 born February 1703  married to Sarah Riejersen, February 4 1726
10.Elizabeth, bap 27 August 1704
11.Sarah, bap 3 March 1706
12.Gerrit, bap 2 November 1707 at Hacckensack Bergen N.J. Married Hillegond Ackerman 1738. (She was born 1715 at Hackensack N.J.)
13.Jacomyntje/Jemima, bap 6 January 1710
14.Willemtje/Wilhemina, bap 29 June 171

Pieter married third, Antje Meyers, (Widow of Samuel Leedt), on 14 November 1719 at Hackensack. Pieter and Antje have two children recorded:

1. Harmen, bap 23 October 1720 at Hackensack
2. Peter, bap at Hackensack

*Fourth Generation: Gerrit VanBlarcom was born and baptized near Hackensack. He married Hillegond Ackerman, daughter of David D Ackerman and Gerrebreghje Romeyn, about 1734. This brought together two of the oldest Dutch families in America that had been there for several generations.

Gerrit and Hillegond have seven children recorded:

1. Anna, bap 25 December 1735
2. David, bap 10 August 1739
3. Gerrebrehje, bap 13 December 1741 , at Hackensack. (Died at very young age)
4. Gerrebreghje, bap 6 October 1751, at Hackensack
5. Albert, bap 24 March 1754, at Paramus (Married Gerrebrecht V)
6. Elizabeth, bap 22 February 1761 at Paramus
7. Samuel, bap 22 February 1761

*Fifth Generation: David A VanBlaricom was born at Tappam. Orange County, NY and baptized 2 September 1739 at the Hackensack Reformed Dutch Church, NY. David grew up in the Bergen County area of NJ, just across the Hudson river from New York. Records show David identified in a Military Muster Roll dated 2 June 1761, for Military service in the “French and Indian War”. He was a member of Captain Peter Lent’s Company from Orange County, NY. Sometime between 17 64-65 David married Elizabeth — (Family record indicates David married Elizabeth Gerritie Mabie and that David and Elizabeth were married in New York. Also, Elizabeth was born in 1745 in NY.

Complete birth records have yet to be located but information gathered to date shows the following named children recorded:

1. Jacomyntje, bap 18 December 1766 at Paramus, Bergen County, NJ
2. Gerrit, bap September 1768, at Paramus
3. Jacobus, bap 25 December 1770 at Paramus
4. John, born 1775, at Shrewsbury, Monmouth County, NJ
5. Samuel, born 2 March 1777, at Shrewsbury
6. David, born 24 August 1779 at Shrewsbury, (Died 30 September 1864 in

*Sixth Generation: Samuel S VanBlaricom was born in Shrewsbury, Monmouth County, N.J. on 2 March 1777. He died, (according to his tombstone), died October 11, 1856, age 79 years 7 months 9 days”. He was buried at Reed Cemetery, Fulton County, Indiana. Samuel married Mary Ann Staruuser, (also known as Margaret Ann Strauuser), in 1779 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. Mary Ann was born 14 April 1781 in Ohio. She died 14 December 1864 and was also buried at Reed Cemetery. Mary Ann’s parents were Heidrick, (Henry), Strasser, (Straushar), Strauuser), and Drusilla Hinton. Henry was the son of John Nicholas Strasser, who emigrated from Pakinate Phaltz area near Saarbruken to Rotterdam, Holland.

In 1804, Samuel, his wife and family, and Mary Ann’s parents all moved on to Ohio. Samuel and family settled about one mile East from where the Strasser’s settled , in Colerain Township, Ross County – near Adelphi. (Samuel was located in the 1816,17,18 Tax records of Hocking County, Ohio).

Samuel was a soldier in the War of 1812 and was a member of Captain Issac Monnett’s Company from Ross County, Ohio from 28 July 1812 to 6 September 1813. In that same Company was Henry Strasser, Samuel’s father-in-law. (In the “Pictures” section of this family history, is a photo copy of the original Company record).

In 1843, Samuel and his family moved from Ohio and settled in Indiana, where records show he died in 1856.

Samuel and Mary had ten children:

1.David, born 1 January 1800, Catawissa Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. David married Mary Ann Reed, 25 May 1833 in Ross County, Ohio. Records indicate Mary died 14 April 1884 in Lesuer County, Minn

2.Henry, (Strasser), born 29 May 1803 in Catawissa Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. Henry married Elizbeth Waltz, 5 September 1825 in Ross County, Ohio. Henry died 23 March 1872 at Marshtown, Fulton County, Indiana. (Some records indicate his birth date as 28 April 1803). Henry was buried at Reed Cemetery, Fulton County, Indiana. His tombstone reads : “died May 23 Age 68 years 10 months 28 days 1872”.  Elizabeth was born 17 March 1807 in Ohio. She died 25 April 1885 in Fulton County, Indiana.

3.Phillip, born 20 October 1809 in Ross County, Ohio. Phillip married Rebecca Waltz, 20 October 1831 in Ross County, Ohio. Phillip died 12 August 1840.

4.John, born in 1805 in Ross County, Ohio – 1 mile from Adelphia. John married Nancy McNamer 25 June 1830 in Ross County, Ohio. Nancy was born in 1810 in Ohio. She died in 1872 at the age of 61 years, near Walla, then Washington Territory. John died 30 December 1890 at Vernonia, Oregon.    5.Elizabeth, born 21 April 1811, in Ross County, Ohio. Elizabeth married Richard Reed, 23 June 1831 in Shelby County, Ohio. She died 21 November 1870 and was buried in Fulton County, Ind..    6.Julia Ann, born 1813 in Ross County, Ohio. Julia Ann married Beal Spurrier 15 July 1832 in Allen County, Ohio  // . Samuel, born 17 April 1818 in Ross County, Ohio. He married Margaret Blakeley 14 December 1840 in Shelby County, Ohio. Margaret was born 8 October 1825 in Shelby County, Ohio. She died 23 December 1885 in Indiana. Samuel died 20 June 1881 and was buried at Salem Cemetery, Fulton County, Indiana. Some records show Margaret was also buried at Salem.

7.Margarete, born 7 June 1819 in Ross County, Ohio. Margarete married Edwin Barker 29 November 1838 in Allen County, Ohio. Margarete died 30 March 1871.

8.Mary Ann, born 17 March 1821 in Ross County, Ohio. She married Pownall 5 March 1840 in Allen County, Ohio. Mary Ann died 7 February 1867.

9.Sarah, born in January 1824 in Ross County, Ohio. Sarah married Isaac Pownall 18 March 1841 in Allen County, Ohio. Sarah died 1 June 1913.

*Seventh Generation: John Van Blaricom Sr was born at Ross County, Ohio and is considered the Patron (or leader) of the VanBlaricom clan that moved West in 1872 and settled the Nehalem Valley in Oregon.

John Sr and his wife, Nancy (McNamer), whom John married June 3 1830 in Shelby County, Ohio, moved from Ohio in 1843 to Indiana. In 1856-57, John, his wife Nancy and most of his family moved on from Indiana to Iowa, then to Minn.,. In the spring of 1871, with his wife and several son’s and their families, and a few un-married son’s, John left Minn., with ox teams and covered wagons toward the West!

Their trip was long and hard. At one point, in Nebraska, the clan were forced to charter box cars and travel by train with their wagons and oxen to avoid the danger of Indian attacks in the area. There were however, highlights along the way that would never be forgotten and would be talked about until their dying day!, such as in Omaha, Nebraska when the VanBlaricoms saw their first Circus.

After several months the group reached the area of Walla Walla, in Washington Territory, where they decided to Winter. They took land and in the Spring, planted crops. They were nearly ready for harvest when millions of crickets appeared and moving in endless waves across the mighty grain fields, ate until every spear was gone. It was devastating to see. As far as the eye could see was nothing but barren land.!

The Walla Walla area is also where John Sr lost his wife Nancy. She died in late 1872 and was buried. Shortly thereafter, in the Spring of 1873, the clan moved onto the Alsea Valley area in Oregon.

In the fall of 1873 the family moved onto Mountaindale near Hillsboro, Oregon and wintered there. John’s son, Henry, and his family, were the first of the Van Blaricoms to move into the Vernonia area. Later, John Sr, four son’s and two daughter and their families all came to settle in the Vernonia area also.

On Saturday, 30 December 1890, about 4:00 am John Van Blaricom Sr., passed away. The Nehalem Journal Newspaper wrote: “Saturday about 4am, the spirit of John VanBlaricom Sr., was freed from its mortal casement and the troubles and woes, the pleasures and happiness of a long and eventful life was over. Mr Van Blaricom was among the first to take up land in this part of the Valley. Hi upright and manly life has made him innumerable friends who will be deeply pained to learn of his death. The deceased leaves a large family of grown-up son’s and daughters to mourn his loss”. “At the time of his death he was living with his son Joseph whom he has made his home for some time. For many months the old gentleman’s health has been failing and it was evident for a number of days that dissolution was eminent. His death was painless and his features after death were most natural.

John Van Blaricom was born in Ross County, Ohio, one mile from Adelphia, in 1805. In 1843 he moved to Indiana, from there to Iowa, next to Minnesota and then to Columbia County, in Washington Territory, (near Walla Walla) where he buried his wife in her 62nd year. They were both members of the United Brethern Church .” “His last removal was to Oregon where he settled in the Nehalen Valley in 1874 and resided here until his death in his 86th year”

“John was the father of thirteen children, of who seven survive. All are residents of the Valley except tw, Henry Van Blaricom and Mrs Ida Mays, who reside in Cowlitz, Washington State”. The above mentioned obituary was titled “Death of a Pioneer”. It is interesting to note, when John and his family came into the Nehalen Valley, there were no roads to speak of. To travel to Vernonia, they came by way of Mountain Dale, past Quicks Mill, up over Green Mountain to Pebble Creek, then down to the Nehalem River. There was a State road of sorts, built in 1873-4 from Meechams to Green Mountain Spring but, from there on it was by pack horse. John and Nancy have thirteen children recorded: Joseph, born in 1833 in Shelby City, Ohio. Joseph apparently never married. He took up land of what is now today, the major portion of downtown Vernonia, (section 4-4-4).

He built the first house in the City, using “sawed” boards, in 1890. The house was located on North Street. Joseph was known as the founder and former owner of Vernonia. Henry D, born 23 March 1836 in Shelby City, Ohio. He died 15 August 1904 at Hood River, Washington. Henry married Catherine Gehring in 1860 in Lesuer County, Minnesota. Catherine Gehring was born 2 April 1843 in Pennsylvania. She died in November 1939 in Vernonia, Oregon. Catherine’s parents were Jacob and Eva Byrd..

Note: Henry acted as an Indian Scout for several wagon trains.

1.John Jr, born in 1839 in Shelby City, Ohio. John married Julia Parker. Both resided in Portland, OR.

2.Drusilla, born in 1847 in Indiana. She married Frank Baker in Vernonia, Oregon. (Frank later became Vernonia’s first Post Master). Frank and Drusilla took up land in Vernonia where the High School stands today.

3.Phillip, born in 1832 in Shelby City, Ohio. Prior to moving on to Oregon, Phillip married Hannah S. Bennett in Minnesota.  Phillip and Hannah had  three children; Harve, born in 1866 in Minnesota and Anna, born 6 April 1869.  A 3rd child, Lily, was born in Vernonia, OR. Phillip took up land up the Nehalem River near Mist< Oregon, which is about six miles South of Vernonia.  It is noted that daughter Anna married Hans Christensen on 18 October 1885, in Dufur, OR. * (See notation at end of history )

4.Hiram, born in Indiana in 1855, moved with a large family group to the Vernonia area in 1873/74.   Hiram married Ida May Vaughn. They took up land up Rock Creek and also in Vernonia, (section 34-5-4). Hiram built the first hotel in Vernonia, in 1925, which is still standing at this update.  (His daughter, Myrtal was born at their homestead in Vernonia).

5.Joe, born in Indiana.

6.Sarah Ann, born in Indiana. She married Saul Sheeley of Vernonia, Oregon. They took up land in Vernonia.

7.Nancy, born in Ohio
Unable to date to locate records on Samuel, Emma and three other children.

*Eighth Generation, Henry D VanBlaricom and his wife, Catherine were the first of the VanBlaricoms to settle the Vernonia area. They took up land in Vernonia in section 34-5-6. (In 1982 it was known as the Guy Thomas property). (In the photo section you will see Henry and his family).

Henry and Catherine had six children recorded:

1.Emeline, born 26 June 1861 in Lesuer, Minnesota. She later married Judson Weed in Vernonia, Oregon.
2.Lawrence, born 7 August 1863 in Lesuer, Minnesota. (Record shows he died 12 January 1939).
3.Isaac, born 8 August 1865 in Lesuer, Minnesota. (Died 26 December 1941)
4.John S , born 27 March 1868 in Lesuer, Minnesota. He died in Everett, Washington, 3 March 1943.
5.Samuel, born 13 August 1872 in Oregon
6.Otis, born 14 July 1879 in Vernonia, Oregon. He died there in 1904.

*Ninth Generation, John Seymour VanBlaricom married Olive Rosalia Hutchison . Olive was born 28 February 1871 at Portland, Oregon. Olive died 5 September 1960, in Everett, Washington. Both John and Olive are buried side by side at the Evergreen Cemetery, Everett, Washington. Olive moved with her parents from Portland when she was very young, to Eastern Oregon and settled in Garfield County at Pomeroy, near the Snake river. While making that particular trip the wagon train was harassed by Nez Perz Indians and according to a bible record, kept alert for most of the trip against attack!

Parents of Olive were Henery Clay Hutchinson, born 27 June 1844 at Defiance, Ohio. Henery died 12 May 1910 at Walla Walla, Washington. His wife, Phoebe Ann Rockhill Hutchinson was born 16 June 1850 at Etna Green, Indiana. Phoebe died 5 September 1920 at Walla Walla, Washington also.

Henry and Phoebe were married 22 April 1868 at Walla Walla County, Washington Territory. Enhanced records show the parents of Phoebe were, Anthony A Rockhill, born 2 February 1824, at Alligence, Stark County, Ohio. He died 4 May 1908 at Dayton, Washington. His wife, Rosetta Robbins Rockhill, was born 6 October 1832. Rosetta died in Dayton, Washington. (Date unknown)

John and Olive have three children recorded:

1.Leone, born 26 September 1895 at Vernonia, Oregon. She died 31 December 1947 at SanDiego, California..

2.Marvel, born 16 April 1909 in Washington State. Marvel died 20 May 1963 at Everett, Washington. She married John D Walker 9 April 1927 in Everett, Washington.  He died 20 October 1979.  Both are buried at Evergreen Cemetery. They had three children. Marion, born 30 December 1927, D-23 July 1992. Cathryn, born 27 Febuary 1933 (deceased 071271), Nancy, born 11 September 1940..

3.Cathryn, born 23 October 1911 in Washington State. She died, 22 March 1982. She married Howard Johnson in Everett, Washngton 5 August 1927. Howard died 10 January 1988 in Everett, Washington Both are buried at Evergreen Cemetery. They had two children. Marvel and Michael. Marvel L born 12 February 1942. Marvel married Ian Graham 11 May 1963.  Marvel and Ian have two children. Elizabeth Ann born 21 January 1965 and Colin Michael born 26 May 1969.   Elizabeth is married to Tony Uyehara born 2 July 1964. Elizabeth and Tony were married 17 march 2007. Michael was born 13 August 1947.

*Tenth Generation: Leona (Van Blaricom) at the age of 15 years, married Francis Cleveland (Frank) Winder on 2 October 1910 at Dayton, WA. (Marriage record indicates her name spelled as Lena VanBlaran) .Frank was born 26 June 1888 in Garfield WA.  Frank and Leona moved from Dayton to Timber, Oregon in 1913 where Frank worked as a Railroad inspector. After their divorce in 1915, Leona moved to San Diego, California with their daughter Olive.  Frank returned to the area of Dayton, Washington, where he twice more was married in 1915 to Ethel Smith and 1925 to Lola Myrick. He died in Walla Walla, WA.,. in October 1953 at age of 65..  Leona married a second time to a David Mills of San Diego, California, 1916.  She died 31 December 1947 in San Diego, CA  ( Grand Parents of Frank were; Thomas J Winder born 30Oct 1814, died, 1Jan 1862, Eldorado, CA. and Elizabeth Harman born 1821, died 1889.  They were married 1 April 1838 in Coshocton County, OH.  His parents were; Francis Nelson Winder, born 19Nov 1839. Died, 16Apr1907, Dayton WA.   and Mary E Whetstone.  They married 22Feb 1871 in Walla Walla, WA.)  Note: On the side of Frank’s family the only person contact has been made with is Donna Huwe one of Frank’s daughter.

Frank and Leona have three children recorded:

1.Melvin, born in 1912 at Dayton, Washington. He died in an accident, by drowning, 19 May 1920 at Dayton. (Was buried along side his brother Leo.)
2.Leo born in 1913 at Dayton, Washington. He also died in an accident, by automobile, 30 March 1916 at Dayton.
3.Olive, born 25 February 1915 at Timber, Oregon. She died at St. Helens, Oregon on 4 January 1996 at 7:04pm. Her ashes were spread ove “Fish Hawk Falls” near Astoria, OR.

*Eleventh Generation, Olive Ann Winder first married Virgil McComas in San Diego, California 28 June 1931. They were divorced in April 1935. Virgil was born in Charleston, Coles, Illinois in 1903. He died in San Diego, California 7 October 1948 of a heart condition at the San Diego, CA County Hospital. His parents are Clara Ann Dawson born 23 January 1884.  In 1900 she married Sylvester McComas. They both lived in Charleston. Clara had three children, Irene Daisy, 1901-1985, Virgal 1903-1948 and Howard Frank 1905-1954. Clara later married Frank Jenkins in 1910. She had one child, Lloyd. Clara moved to San Diego, CA and the family resided with her parents, Iassc and Elizabeth Dawson.

Virgil and Olive have two children recorded:

John Macy, born 16 July 1932 in SanDiego, California.  John lived with his Grand Mother, Leona, in San Diego, CA.,  thru his 11th Birthday then moved with Olive, his Mother, to Everett, WA. .In 1947- 48 John lived on the Island of Guam with  brothers Mel, Bob and his parents.  When John was 16 years old he joined the Oregon National Guard, followed by joining the U.S. Navy, retiring in September 1969 with over 20 years service….In 1974, John became a Federal Police Officer with the US General Services Administration, retiring in 1994 with 20 years service. (A short summary of John’s life/history is on file with Melvin). He later married Martha Noah, on 26 August 1950 at Hernando, MS.,. She was born 24 October, 1932 at Felts Station, TN. She died 9 October 1998.  John died 26 May 2000 at 10:55am at Byhalia, Mississippi. John and Martha had four children during their marriage.
They are, John Steven, born 17 July 1952; Debra Ann, born 5 December 1954; Tina Louise, born 6 November 1956 and David Wayne, born 4 March 1962.   (Along with a photo book dating back to the 1800’s, are a brief History of John Macy Jasmin and a genealogy history of the Jasmin family, through our father, Erwin (Bud) Jasmin, on file with Melvin).   John spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy and over 20 years in the Federal Protection Agency, retiring as a GS-13.

2.Melvin Harley, born 2 August 1934 in San Diego, California.

Olive married second to Erwin Cyril Jasmin in San Diego, California 28 October 1935. Erwin, or “Bud”, was born 26 April 1912 in Rutland, Vermont. He died 10 February 1999 in Stanwood, Washington and was buried in Everett, Washington at Evergreen Cemetery. Olive and Bud divorced 1 December 1952.( Erwin’s family information is stored with this history.)

Erwin (Bud) and Olive have one child recorded

1.Robert Erwin, born 3 March 1936 in San Diego,  CA  Robert changed his name to Mel E Robertts in 1966.

On 3 March 1970.  He married Ruth Kondart in  Reno, Nevada.

Mel and Ruth had one child, Mel Robertts Jr, born in Oroville, California  6 December 1971.

Mel Jr married Dawn Blackfoot in 1991, at Oroville and they had three children, all born in the Oroville area.: Kaitlyn, born 6 Sept 1992: Kaleb, born 6 Feb 1996: Kathryn, born 3 Mar 1998……Mel & Dawn divorced and Mel married his present wife, Mariah in 2006.  She brought one son to the marriage Lucas, born 22 November 1999. Another great addition to Mel Jr’s family is their adopted son Byron, Born 13 September 2012.. (Adopted 20 October 2014)

Ruth was born 20 June 1936.  She passed away 29 January 1985 in Oroville, Ca..  Robert Sr passed away at 6:03am on 2 February 2011 in Oroville, Ca.  Mel Sr  had requested a cremation and by his wishes the ashes were spread at Fish Hawk Falls on Hwy 202 in Olney, Oregon in the same location as his mother, Olive Cross (winder) Jasmin.). Mel Jr., and full family transported the remains of his Father to OR., and on 23 May 2011, the remains were spread over the Fish Hawk Falls near Astoria, OR. Present at this ceremony were his brother Melvin and his wife, Elizabeth.  Robert was a great advocate and well versed in Long Rifle, black powder and small arms.  He was very experienced in photography and dabbled in Ham two-way radio.  His love for his son and their family was  obvious in the discussions with his brothers, John and Melvin.

Erwin C (Bud) Jasmin, divorced from Olive 1 December 1952.  He remarried in 1956 to Helen Almvig at Everett, Washington..  Helen died  December 2, 2007 and is interned at Everett, WA along side Erwin, who died in 1999. Bud and Helen were married for 43 years.  They traveled in Motor home and Towed trailers to many places across the US with groups or alone and made friends where ever they went.

Helen had three sons from a previous marriage:

Dean Almvig, born 20 March 1931; Delbert Almvig, born 24 April 1932, died in Everett, WA on 13 December 2011. Dick Almvig, born 28 September 1936, all residing in WA State.

Note: in 1947 Erwin (Bud) Jasmin legally adopted both John and Melvin to the name of Jasmin.
Olive was married twice more. Briefly to Homer C Relaford on 6 March 1954 and divorced April 1959 and to Ray E Cross on 29 April 1959, both which took place in San Diego, California. Ray Cross died 28 January 1974 at San Diego, leaving Olive a Widow. No children of either marriage.


*Twelfth Generation, Melvin H Jasmin first married Arlene Neimi in Portland, Oregon 28 October 1960 and Divorced in October 1965, also in Portland.

Melvin and Arlene had two children recorded:

1.Serina Ann, born 28 December 1961 in 29 Palms, California, (Marine Corps Base). Serina later married Howard Lee Olson in Seaside, Oregon, in June 1982. Serina is a long time experienced person in the retail/grocery field and Howard (Ole) is fully vested with the U.S. Postal Service.. They reside at present in Warrenton, Oregon . They have  two children, Steven , born 6 August 1984., Steven married Chyrie on 6 September 2014,(See 15th Gen.)  Stephanie, born 23 May 1986. Stephanie married David Rae 24 September 2005 in Hammond, OR. (See 15th Gen.) Stephanie is a experienced  Dental Assistant and David, served in the US Marine Corps for four years, David has special training and experience in high wire/tower/electrical work, among other things.and well qualified.

2.Clayton E, born 5 May 1964 in Oceanside, California, (Marine Corps Base). He presently resides in Umatilla, OR

Melvin second married, Patricia L Shattuck in Vancouver, Washington 4 March 1966 and divorced in September 1968, in Portland, Oregon

Melvin and Patricia had one child recorded:

Mildred (Mickie), born 3 August 1967 in Portland, Oregon. Mickie resides in Grants Pass, OR.  She has pursued a career in the Dental field and is presently a certified Dental Assistant and experienced Purchase Coordinator Supervisor . Mickie’s life partner is Renee Barbian, Renee born 18 September 1976. She is a certified Respiratory Therapist.  Mickie and Renee were married in August 2008 in Portland, OR. Renee and Mickie have two children. They are twins. One Male. One Female. Renee and Mickie and children  all reside in Grants Pass, OR.

Melvin third married, Jeri Anglin in Portland, Oregon 11 January 1970, separated in 1971 & divorce finalized in February of 1972.

Melvin and Jeri have one child recorded:

1.Mathew Howard, born 20 September 1971 in Milwaukie, Oregon. 

Melvin fourth married, Elizabeth Jo Ross in Astoria, Oregon 2 March 1974. Elizabeth was born 16 May 1948 in Portland, Oregon. Her parents are Robert and Ruby (Weigt) Ross of Astoria, Oregon. Robert born 25 January 1920 in Salem, Oregon. (Deceased 17 August 1987)   Ruby V (Weigt) was born 4 April 1921 in Litchville, North Dakota, (Deceased 11 December 1997)  . Robert and Ruby were married 26 December 1946 in Portland, Oregon. Both are buried in Portland, Oregon at Willamette National Cemetery. Elizabeth’s sisters are Sandra Marsch, born November 1943, and Rebecca Everson, born February 1952.  Brother, Robert William Ross Jr born July 1949.    NOTE: Attached to the House of Jasmin history/record is an addendum of family related to Elizabeth).

Melvin and Elizabeth (Betsy) have two children recorded; one by birth and one by adoption:

1.Samuel Louis, adopted to Jasmin name upon marriage to Elizabeth. Samuel born, 11 April 1967 in Astoria, Oregon.  Samuel married Carrie A Shoop in Warrenton, Oregon  25 June 1994.  Carrie was born 28 November 1970, and is currently a highly experienced Dental Assistant in Astoria, Oregon.  Her parents are Kenneth & Eileen Shoop of Hammond, OR. Eileen Passed away on March 17th, 2014 in Warrenton Oregon. She is buried at Greenwood Cemetary in Astoria Oregon.  Carrie has three sisters, who are  Paula McDade,  Diane Gray, & Julia Tevon.    Sam, Carrie and their three daughters, Brandi born  9 November 1990, graduated from George Fox University in spring 2012 with a BS in Nursing. Brandi married Andrew Walker on 30 May 2015.  They presently reside in  Pasedena,Texas. Andrew is a Youth Pastor.  Kayla was born 10 July 1995 and resides in Portland, OR. area.  Emma born 30 June 2006, and reside’s in Warrenton, Oregon. Sam has been employed long term with the well-known LES SCHWAB Tires  located in Seaside, OR.. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the tire industry and was promoted to Manager in 2009  Sam and Carrie are active in their Church and with activities in their Community.

2.Troy William, born 29 April 1976 in Astoria, Oregon.   Troy is involved in Computer training; owner of Computer Creations NW and is versed and Certifide to ply his trade in Indian Casinos and works with several Corporations and the Chamber of Commerce in various areas in Washington and Oregon States.  He is certified as a technician in several States and travels extensively. Troy has been trained in Search & Rescue with Sheriff’s Departments in both Washington and Clatsop Counties, and has experience in Police Reserve work in these Counties and four Towns. (Troy has an internet web site, Troy married Jennie-Bea Leila Housden (DOB 10/24/83) on 24 July 2010 in Shelton, Washington.  Her parents, deceased, are Harold James & Collen Sharon Dunn Housden.  Jennie’s brothers and sisters are, Don, Tawni, Kelly, Merle, Michelle, Mark, Barbara. Troy and Jennie purchased a home in Shelton, WA in 2011. Jennie currently works as a Medical Records Tech HMR II Lead and has her own Online Wedding Supply Business at

Melvin (Mel) Jasmin grew up in several locations in the United States and the South Pacific, which included, California, Oregon, Washington, Rd Island, New York and the Island of Guam. In  February 1947, the Jasmin family moved to the Island of Guam to live with Bud who was a Chief Warrant Officer (4), in the U.S. Navy. Melvin at the time was 12-13 years old. It was quite an experience. The family traveled to the Island on the USS Randall, APA-224, a 455 foot  military transport ship.

 While on Guam the family experienced a Typhoon and a tremendous fire set by saboteurs at the Naval Base, at  N.O.B. harbor,  in the large storage lockers. The fires were still burning in late 1948 when the family returned to the U.S., on the transport ship, General Mann.

Melvin’s military career included the U.S. Navy during the Korean War.  Mel was found to have caught Zinz-Cromite poisoning while serving on a Navy landing ship at Inchon in November 1952 and later placed on the temporary disability list at Oakland Naval Hospital in California, receiving  30%. 

 In 1960, waiving his disability he joined the U.S. Marine Corps and served in Military Police and later as both a criminal and accident claims investigator at 29 Palms and Camp Pendleton, California Marine Corps Bases. He attended and received his Criminal Investigation School certificate. He later joined the Oregon National Guard and then moved over to the U.S. Army Reserve. He retired from the Reserve in 1992 as a Sergeant 1st class (E-7) and began drawing retirement in 1994. His total service was 34 years.

Melvin’s Law Enforcement career began in 1957 and ended in 1990 – with some part time work later in the Clatsop County, OR., Jail system. after that date. (Mel served with the University of Oregon Police, Portland, Auxiliary Police, VA Federal Police, & City of Astoria Police.

Melvin also owned and operated a Private Security/Merchant Patrol business in the State of Oregon, with offices in Milwaukie and Portland, Oregon. He employed 58 people and provided ID checkers/bouncers in nine Night clubs in the Metropolitan areas. The business was from July 1967 to January 1971 at which time it was sold to employees of the firm. Also during that time he was employed as a Private Detective doing work thru the Public Defenders office in Multnomah County under retired FBI officer Jack Woodward and his partner Bill Wagner.

Between the years of 1973 and 1987, Melvin was active in Community service work, along with his wife, Elizabeth. He was a member of the Ambulance Board, and a current member), Port of Astoria Development Committee, Cystic Fibrosis Chairperson of Clatsop County, elected a Director on the first Board of Directors to the Clatsop Care and Rehabilitation Center, Community Service Officer of American Legion Post 12,  and a member of the Clatsop County “Use of Deadly Physical Force” Planning Authority  –  all within Clatsop County, State of Oregon. Betsy and Mel were involved with a child care program that gave lessons in safety and protection to over 400 children from 1982-1986. Elizabeth, (Betsy) was elected to the Board as a Director at the Clatsop Care & Rehab Center in 1985.

Other interests of  Betsy & Mel, included managing for twelve years various apartment complexes and teaching new management teams to step in.   Betsy having her own Cleaning Business with private homes and medical clinics up until 2002, gave this up when  she began doing Bookwork at the American Legion Post 12 in Astoria, (2nd largest in the State of OR.), and became the  Executive Secretary of Administration. ( Effective 1 June 2011, she  retired.) Since that time she has been doing special cleaning of private homes.

 Mel and Betsy attend their  non-denominational church, (Light House),, and spend quality time with their children and grandchildren as much as possible

Melvin was also involved as an Instructor at Clatsop Community College in Astoria, Oregon instructing State of Oregon mandated Private Security training for certification. He was an instructor with AARP in the Driver/Safety education program from 1994 to 2006. Since March of 2004, after recuperating from  twice major surgery, Mel  returned to instructing the Oregon State private security certification course, with assistance from wife Betsy. On 8 August 2016 Mel retired from instructing the Security Training, after 18 years being certified with the State of Oregon.

In 1996 Melvin was certified, with the 20th Judicial District, (Washington County, Oregon), as a Mediator, handling Civil, Property, Landlord/Tenant cases. (Case’s are mediated prior to entering Court and meeting with a Judge).. In late 2004, Mel Began Mediation work with the 18th Judicial District, (Clatsop County). He retired from this work in 2006, but remains “qualified”.  In 2005 Melvin was certified by the State of Oregon as an Ombudsman and assigned several Care Centers and adult foster homes, within Clatsop County, advocating the rights of  Senior care residents. In 2010, he retired from this position and became a member of the Warrenton-Hammond School District Board, #30 from 2010-2013. Mel co-founded, with Norman Doney, the Veterans Speaker Bureau, within Clatsop County in 2006.  He is also a Commissioner on the Oregon NW Housing Authority Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook Counties. He is also a member of the  Warrenton Urban League Advisory and the Sunset Empire Transportation Advisory.

 Mel is a  charter member of the VFW Post 10580. In 2011-14 he was it’s Post Commander. He is a member of Disabled American Veterans, and a Charter member of the North Coast Marine Corps League, Detachment 1228. In 2006 Mel coordinated the annual Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Memorial awards and it’s Social in Clatsop County, OR. from 2006 – 2013.  He coordinated the Toys for Tots program in Clatsop County.from 2006 – 2010    Elizabeth (Betsy) was a Senior Resident Advisor at the Job Corps Center in Astoria for six years.  She was a Corrections Officer/Matron in the Clatsop County Jail.  She later became the Executive Secretary for the American Legion Post 12 in Astoria. She works closely with her husband in several volunteer endeavors, working with Youth & Patriotic programs, She is also  a volunteer with the local Red Cross and is an Officer in the VFW Auxiliary, 10580.

For purposes of the Van Blaricom geneology line;

*Thirteenth Generation are the Children of Melvin. They are, Serina, Clayton, Mathew, Samuel, Mildred, Troy and Brett.

*Fourteenth Generation are;

Steven, born 6 August 1984 in Sacramento, California (Parents: Howard and Serina Olson

Stephanie, born 23 May 1986, in Sacramento, California (Parents: Same as above)

Brandi, born 9 November 1990, in Seaside, Oregon (Parents: Samuel & Carrie Jasmin)

Kayla, born 10 July 1995, in Seaside, Oregon (Same as above

Emma, D born 30 June 2006, in Seaside, Oregon (Same as above)

Jayden Kyle Jasmin Born 9:58 am 21 November 2016 (3.1lbs) (16.1″ ) (Parents Mickie & Renee (Barbian) Jasmin)

Jasmine Rose Barbian-Jasmin Born 10:10am 21 November 2016 (4.7lbs) (16.1″) (Parents Mickie & Renee (Barbian) Jasmin

*Fifteenth Generation are:

Taila Addison Ray Born 12:07 pm 4 December 2014 (6.3 lbs) (Parents: David & Stephanie Ray)

Kenzie Gracelyn Ray born  12:08 pm 4 December 2014 (6.6 lbs) (Parents David & Stephanie Ray)

Thaddeus Cale Olson Born 2:00 pm 1 June 2015 (8.9lbs) (21 ¾ “ ) (Parents Steven and Chyrie Olson)

Archer Henry Olson  Born AM  23 Feb. 2017 (7lbs 4oz) (19in 3/4″) (Parents Steven and Chyrie Olson)

Jane Walker Born  10:20 pm 8 October 2027 (10.5lbs)  (22in)   (Parents of Andrew & Brandi Walker

Norah Eileen Walker Born 11:58 AM Feb. 23 2020 (9.lbs 7 ounces (21.5in)   (Parents of Andrew & Brandi Walker

Note:  Permission is granted by Melvin & Elizabeth Jasmin for any family member mentioned in this history to use the “Jasmin Crest” on their clothing, eating/drinking utensils, advertising, letterheads, etc., as long as it does not demean or defame.